Under this motto we welcome golfers, hikers, cyclists or bon vivants in summer as well as cross-country skiers and winter hikers with our staff.
Bistro | snack | Restaurant | Wine bar
Golf Restaurant Goms
There is no act which is more humane and at the same time more satisfying than the act of hospitality. Inviting a person into one's home and to one's table is one of the greatest privileges of civilized people. Comtesse de Toulouse-Lautrec
Under this motto we welcome golfers, hikers, cyclists or bon vivants in summer as well as cross-country skiers and winter hikers with our staff.
Under this motto we welcome golfers, hikers, cyclists or bon vivants in summer as well as cross-country skiers and winter hikers with our staff.
Cuisine types
- international
- Mediterranean
- regional
- other
- Mittagstisch
- Snacks
- Menu / À la carte
- Abendessen
- Auserlesene Weine
- Fisch-Spezialitäten
- Reservation möglich
- Auserlesene Spirituosen
- Auserlesene Biere
- Mittagessen
- Wild-Spezialitäten
- Terrasse
- Nichtraucher-Lokalität
- Kinderstühle
- Wickeltisch
- Fumoir
- WLAN (kostenlos)
- traditionell-urchig
- Eigene Produkte
- Cholera
- Raclette (auf Anfrage)
- Pasta
- Kuchen
Label Gastro
- Walliser Köstlichkeiten
- Gastro Suisse
Label Allgemein
- Clean & Safe
- Q I - Service Quality
- English
- French
- Italian
Payment Options
- Cash
- Debit Card
- Mastercard
- Visa